Your Rating (with comments): (1="get me off these things"->10="I have to own a pair")
Bindings and Boots Used:
Tyrolia SP12 Demo Bindings
Tecnica 9.8 130 Race Boots
Pre-Skiing Impression:
Looked and felt like a nice pair of power/crud skis. Flexed the skis and they had an impressive spring back.
Skier Weight 215 Lbs, height 6’-3” Test Conditions:
Ski area in VT, 20 plus inches of New England power, crud, wind-blown snow, natural soft crud moguls and woods skiing. All un-groomed trails.
Test Results:
The skis want to plain on top of the snow and were very easy to turn short or long radius turns. Not much energy is required to turn the skis across the hill in powder. A little up and down motion is all that is needed to get the turns going. Going into deeper piles of powder did not cause much of a forward jerking motion since the skis want to be on top of the snow.
Crud/ Moguls
I am very impressed on how easy and fast it was to turn the skis across the hill in moguls/ crud and crud moguls for speed control. Also the skis have a remarkable flexibility internes of hitting the moguls straight on. I would/ could not do this with my all mountain skis either I would be pitched forward off of them or they would be damage. After 3 or 4 mogul runs down intermediate/ expert trails I started ski the moguls faster and hit them head on riding right over or through them. The ride on the skis was surprisingly smooth and controllable. I had no problems scrubbing speed when I needed to.
Power/ Crud
Skied on a combination of power and crud and the skis stayed on top. There was not much of a difference of what was required to make a turn. I wisent jerked forward when hitting the piles of crud. The skis offered more control at higher speeds. Again I was very impressed with how easy it was to turn the skis across the hill. I look forward to spring skiing on these skis.
The woods trails sked on were intimidate. As above speed control was very easy by skidding the turns with minimal energy. The skis like to go fast and offer more control.
Analogies: (this ski is like...)
I have skied a variety of all mountain and fat skis. These skis by far are the best for New England powder and crud.
Things You Would Change About This Ski:
None I am shocked that these are wood skis.
Short Answer When Someone Asks "What Do You Think About This Ski?":
If your into powder days buy them.
Advice To People Considering This Ski:
If you enjoy skiing in powder/crud and soft moguls these are the skis for you After Skiing These, I Want To... After skiing these skis I look forward to extending my spring skiing season by skiing on these skis