Stephan Drake of DPS has once again pushed the envelope of design concepts for powder skiing with the public display of the Spoon 150 design incorporating their new "Cleat" technology (patent-pending). Credited with the invention and refinement of the modern rockered, reverse-sidecut / reverse-camber ski designs in the famous Spatula and Lotus skis, and fine-tuning carbon composite constructions, Stephan has produced a concept ski incorporating a convex base (similar to a kayak bottom) into a rockered design with distinct depressed "dents" or protrusions below the baseline along the forebody and heel sections. These "cleats" allow the convex base to bite into the surface and produce an edging effect which would normally be absent in a convex base design.
While strictly a concept ski for internal testing at this time (only three singles exist as of SIA show today according to some sources at DPS - with on-snow testing limited to DPS insiders only), DPS will undoubtedly study and refine the designs and bring out another powder ski incorporating some form of their new concept for powder lovers. Stay tuned. See the DPS Blog Post about the ski.
Some pics below: