Why would more than a dozen ecologically-friendly ski and snowboard wax companies sprout up over the last few seasons, and why would the big wax companies develop lines of non-fluourocarbon, eco-friendly waxes that seem to sell well over the same timeframe? While the speed-related effects of flourinated waxes are well known (and still intensely expensive), the detrimental effects upon the environment and the people applying these waxes are becoming well documented as well.
Groups ranging from grade school athletic departments, to ski academies, to European ski associations and environmental regulatory bodies are increasingly restricting the use of fluourocarbon-infused waxes because of their detrimental health and environmental side effects. As it should, the ski wax industry has responded with new products and companies striving to provide ecologically-responsible, biodegradable, non-fluourocarbon was products for recreational and competition use.
We discovered Richard Beneduci's Green Ice Wax company back in 2014, and asked if we could test some samples of his eco-friendly, no-fluouro formulations, including a fully biodegradable wax created without petroleum-based paraffins. We found the wax worked as advertised, gave us excellent sliding and durablity performance while being super eco-friendly and had a price point right in line with so-called "conventional waxes." We liked the product enough to ask if Green Ice would sponsor some wax for our ski testing program, and bingo....we've been using it in all kinds of conditions ranging from filthy slush to rock-hard boilerplate and hyper-cold powder snow for the last 4 seasons and put the logo badge on our web pages as a sponsor. If we didn't like the wax or thought it wasn't a good value for skiers, we wouldn't use it at any price. Period.
We like using an eco-friendly wax without fluourocarbons, and we think people should seek out similar products for their skis and snowboards. Have a look at the full review and list of eco--friendly wax companies we found. The environment and your body will thank you!
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