Cyrus Schenk and the team he recruited to develop a ski designed by women for women at Renoun have an award-winning ski on their hands. Utilizing Renoun's patented application of its non-Newtonian VibeStop™ (HDT) polymer, the woman-specific geometry and componentry of the Earhart 88 has been refined through focus group testers on-snow and the result is pretty darn impressive. The Earhart 88 is an all-mountain, frontside-oriented ski which is superbly easy to ski for a wide range of skiers, yet can deliver an authoritative carving prowess at low, medium and high speeds under a variety of intensities with smooth, quiet, precise and energetic performance.
The Earhart 88 has a vast range of excellent performance across a variety of surfaces and terrain conditions, which is really the holy grail of "all-mountain" ski design. The Earhart's ability to let the skier intuitively tackle smooth groomers, bumps, tree runs, big turns, small turns, cruddy snow, skied-out snow, soft snow and hard snow without the ski really having any shortcomings is impressive. Squarely aimed at the majority of female resort skiers, Renoun's design achieves its target with a ski that feels intuitive, delivers a huge range of superbly mannered behaviors (thanks to the damping characteristics of the patented application of the HDT VibeStop material in the ski's core) and requires very little effort from the skier to achieve high levels of performance in many conditions. With a "love them for three days on snow or return them for a refund" policy, and a two year warranty, Renoun has a compelling ski that sets a reference standard for what "all-mountain" resort-oriented skis should do for their skiers. We gave the Earharts a Distinguished Performance designation for their impressively wide range of superb performance in so many terrain and snow conditions for the women it was designed for.
Read the whole review of the Renoun Earhart HERE.